Plotting profiles


Douglas Bates


January 8, 2023

Attach the packages to be used, set up the graphics output and access to models.

using BSplineKit
using CairoMakie
using Distributions
using MixedModels   # need MixedModels#profile at present
using TypedTables

include(pkgdir(MixedModels, "test", "modelcache.jl"))
CairoMakie.activate!(; type="svg")

The models function from test/modelcache.jl defines several models that are using in testing of MixedModels. The models are fit the first time they are accessed, then the models are cached so that subsequent accesses are fast.

Profile table and splines

The profile function applied to a LinearMixedModel profiles the parameters, returning a MixedModelProfile object with fields m, containing the original model, tbl, a Table of results from all the profiles and fwd and rev, which are Dicts of interpolation splines of the profile \(\zeta\) function, both the forward (parameter \(\rightarrow\zeta\)) and reverse (\(\zeta\rightarrow\) parameter) directions.

slpr03 = profile(models(:sleepstudy)[3])
slpr03.m   # the original model
Est. SE z p σ_subj
(Intercept) 251.4051 6.7077 37.48 <1e-99 24.1714
days 10.4673 1.5193 6.89 <1e-11 5.7994
Residual 25.5561
Table(slpr03.tbl)   # table of profiled parameters and traces
Table with 9 columns and 103 rows:
      p   ζ          β1       β2       σ        σ1       σ2       θ1        ⋯
 1  │ σ   -4.35251   251.405  10.4673  20.1989  25.46    5.96166  1.26047   ⋯
 2  │ σ   -3.76931   251.405  10.4673  20.8016  25.3193  5.9425   1.21718   ⋯
 3  │ σ   -3.198     251.405  10.4673  21.4224  25.1728  5.9229   1.17507   ⋯
 4  │ σ   -2.63822   251.405  10.4673  22.0617  25.0205  5.9029   1.13411   ⋯
 5  │ σ   -2.08961   251.405  10.4673  22.7201  24.8623  5.88257  1.09429   ⋯
 6  │ σ   -1.55181   251.405  10.4673  23.3982  24.6983  5.86197  1.05556   ⋯
 7  │ σ   -1.0245    251.405  10.4673  24.0964  24.5284  5.84119  1.01792   ⋯
 8  │ σ   -0.507334  251.405  10.4673  24.8156  24.3527  5.82029  0.981349  ⋯
 9  │ σ   0.0        251.405  10.4673  25.5561  24.1714  5.79938  0.945818  ⋯
 10 │ σ   0.497807   251.405  10.4673  26.3188  23.9841  5.77862  0.911292  ⋯
 11 │ σ   0.986399   251.405  10.4673  27.1042  23.7912  5.75804  0.877766  ⋯
 12 │ σ   1.46606    251.405  10.4673  27.9131  23.593   5.73775  0.845229  ⋯
 13 │ σ   1.93709    251.405  10.4673  28.7461  23.3883  5.71801  0.813617  ⋯
 14 │ σ   2.39975    251.405  10.4673  29.604   23.1794  5.69865  0.782984  ⋯
 15 │ σ   2.8543     251.405  10.4673  30.4875  22.9643  5.68006  0.753239  ⋯
 16 │ σ   3.30102    251.405  10.4673  31.3973  22.7438  5.66221  0.724387  ⋯
 17 │ σ   3.74014    251.405  10.4673  32.3343  22.5172  5.64529  0.696387  ⋯
 18 │ σ   4.17191    251.405  10.4673  33.2993  22.2847  5.62936  0.669225  ⋯
 19 │ θ1  -4.21139   251.405  10.4673  28.4644  5.71506  6.77512  0.20078   ⋯
 20 │ θ1  -3.78047   251.405  10.4673  28.0777  8.00161  6.57229  0.284981  ⋯
 21 │ θ1  -3.30923   251.405  10.4673  27.6792  10.0846  6.38552  0.364338  ⋯
 22 │ θ1  -2.81265   251.405  10.4673  27.2861  12.0919  6.22427  0.443152  ⋯
 23 │ θ1  -2.29792   251.405  10.4673  26.907   14.107   6.09106  0.524289  ⋯
 ⋮  │ ⋮       ⋮         ⋮        ⋮        ⋮        ⋮        ⋮        ⋮      ⋱
DictTable with 3 columns and 5 rows:
 coef   estimate  lower     upper
 β1   │ 251.405   237.572   265.238
 β2   │ 10.4673   7.33407   13.6005
 θ1   │ 0.945818  0.578677  1.50272
 θ2   │ 0.226927  0.150938  0.348503
 σ    │ 25.5561   22.8806   28.7876

The forward interpolation splines allow transformation from the original parameter scale to the \(\zeta\) scale. The reverse interpolation splines help to determine the range of interest for a parameter. For example, the confint method for MixedModelProfile is based solely on the rev dictionary.

Insight into model fitting

Because the models are fit by optimizing the profiled log-likelihood, which is a function of \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) only, we first consider the \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) parameters.

The fwdspline function supplements a forward spline with information on the slope and intercept of the linear approximation to the spline at the estimated parameter value.

function fwdspline(pr::MixedModelProfile, par::Symbol)
    spl = pr.fwd[par]
    xv = spl.x
    yv = spl.(xv)
    minv = findmin(abs, yv)
    est = xv[last(minv)]
    slope = (Derivative(1) * spl)(est)
    return (; spl, xv, yv, slope, intercept = first(minv) - slope * est)
fwdspline (generic function with 1 method)

Plotting the spline over the range and at the points at which the profile was evaluated is made easier by a Makie convention of plotting a function over an interval, which is generated by the .. operator. The result of the expression identity ∘ spl, where is the function composition operator, is recognized as a function for the purposes of dispatch. (In other words, forgetting the identity ∘ part, as I frequently do, fails in dispatch with an obscure error message.)

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700,600))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; xlabel = "θ₁", ylabel="ζ")
    (; spl, xv, yv, slope, intercept) = fwdspline(slpr03, :θ1)
    lines!(ax, first(xv) .. last(xv), identity  spl;)
    scatter!(ax, xv, yv)
    ablines!(ax, intercept, slope)

Figure 1: Forward interpolation spline of \(\theta_1\rightarrow\zeta\) in model slm03

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700,600))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; xlabel = "θ₂", ylabel="ζ")
    (; spl, xv, yv, slope, intercept) = fwdspline(slpr03, :θ2)
    lines!(ax, first(xv) .. last(xv), identity  spl;)
    scatter!(ax, xv, yv)
    ablines!(ax, intercept, slope)

Figure 2: Forward interpolation spline for \(\theta_2\) in model slm03

We see that in both cases the profile \(\zeta\) function is concave down over the region of interest. The ideal situation is for the profile \(\zeta\) to be close to a straight line suggesting a transformation like the square root.

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700,600))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; xlabel = "√θ₁", ylabel="ζ")
    (; spl, xv, yv) = fwdspline(slpr03, :θ1)
    lines!(ax, sqrt(first(xv)) .. sqrt(last(xv)), spl  abs2;)
    scatter!(ax, sqrt.(xv), yv)

Figure 3: Forward interpolation spline of \(\sqrt{\theta_1}\rightarrow\zeta\) in model slm03

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700,600))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; xlabel = "√θ₂", ylabel="ζ")
    (; spl, xv, yv) = fwdspline(slpr03, :θ2)
    lines!(ax, sqrt(first(xv) + sqrt(eps())) .. sqrt(last(xv)), spl  abs2;)
    scatter!(ax, sqrt.(xv), yv)

Figure 4: Forward interpolation spline of \(\sqrt{\theta_2}\rightarrow\zeta\) in model slm03

Although it is tempting to use a logarithmic transformation of the \(\theta\) parameter instead of the square root, we must allow the \(\theta\) parameters to take on the value of zero, which is not possible when using a logarithmic transformation.

Plotting profile traces

If the forward splines are monotone increasing over the observed range, as they are here, they can be used as a transformation from \(\theta_1\) and \(\theta_2\) to the \(\zeta\) scale.

As shown in Figure 5 the \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\) parameters are nearly orthogonal over the range of interest, allowing for rapid and stable convergence to the optimum.

function extractzeta(pr::MixedModelProfile)
    (; tbl, fwd) = pr
    tbl = Table(tbl)
    rounddownabs(x) = (abs(x) < 1.0e-5 ? 0. : x)
    pnms = sort!(collect(keys(fwd)))
    ptbl = NamedTuple{(pnms...,)}(ntuple(length(pnms)) do i
        k = pnms[i]
        rounddownabs.(fwd[k].(getproperty(tbl, k)))

    Table(merge((; p=tbl.p), ptbl))
extractzeta (generic function with 1 method)
slpr03zeta = extractzeta(slpr03)
Table with 6 columns and 103 rows:
      p   β1   β2   θ1         θ2          σ
 1  │ σ   0.0  0.0  1.22659    1.22659     -4.35251
 2  │ σ   0.0  0.0  1.07836    1.07836     -3.76931
 3  │ σ   0.0  0.0  0.928444   0.928448    -3.198
 4  │ σ   0.0  0.0  0.776959   0.776952    -2.63822
 5  │ σ   0.0  0.0  0.623988   0.623977    -2.08961
 6  │ σ   0.0  0.0  0.469644   0.469643    -1.55181
 7  │ σ   0.0  0.0  0.314059   0.314104    -1.0245
 8  │ σ   0.0  0.0  0.157441   0.157502    -0.507334
 9  │ σ   0.0  0.0  0.0        0.0         0.0
 10 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -0.158167  -0.158142   0.497807
 11 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -0.316826  -0.316783   0.986399
 12 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -0.47569   -0.475698   1.46606
 13 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -0.634716  -0.63453    1.93709
 14 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -0.793285  -0.793273   2.39975
 15 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -0.951465  -0.951434   2.8543
 16 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -1.10884   -1.10887    3.30102
 17 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -1.26527   -1.26527    3.74014
 18 │ σ   0.0  0.0  -1.42044   -1.42042    4.17191
 19 │ θ1  0.0  0.0  -4.21139   0.227502    1.78026
 20 │ θ1  0.0  0.0  -3.78047   0.14801     1.56093
 21 │ θ1  0.0  0.0  -3.30923   0.0787207   1.32972
 22 │ θ1  0.0  0.0  -2.81265   0.0248807   1.09626
 23 │ θ1  0.0  0.0  -2.29792   -0.0116634  0.865901
 ⋮  │ ⋮    ⋮    ⋮       ⋮          ⋮           ⋮
    f = Figure(; resolution=(700, 700))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; aspect = 1, xlabel="ζ(θ₁)", ylabel="ζ(θ₂)")
    tbl = filter(r -> r.p == :θ1, slpr03zeta)
    scatterlines!(ax, tbl.θ1, tbl.θ2)
    tbl = filter(r -> r.p == :θ2, slpr03zeta)
    scatterlines!(ax, tbl.θ1, tbl.θ2)

Figure 5: Profile traces of \(\theta_1\) and \(\theta_2\) on the \(\zeta\) scale.

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700, 700))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; aspect=1.0, xlabel="ζ(β₁)", ylabel="ζ(β₂)")
    tbl = filter(r -> r.p == :β1, slpr03zeta)
    scatterlines!(ax, tbl.β1, tbl.β2)
    tbl = filter(r -> r.p == :β2, slpr03zeta)
    scatterlines!(ax, tbl.β1, tbl.β2)

Figure 6: Profile traces of \(\beta_1\) and \(\beta_2\) on the \(\zeta\) scale.

Contour interpolation

Because the \(\zeta\) scale is directly related to the objective, a contour of the objective on the \(\zeta\) scale, such as in Figure 5 and Figure 6, is bounded by a square centered at the origin. Furthermore, the intersection of the profile traces with the boundary of the square are exactly the points where the contour touches the square.

To determine these points, we create a natural, cubic interpolation spline for the profile traces and use it to determine the intersection points.

Suppose, for example, that we wish to interpolate contours of the objective as a function of \(\boldsymbol{\theta}=\left(\theta_1, \theta_2\right)\) at levels corresponding to 1, 2, and 3 on the \(\zeta\) scale.

The profile trace of \(\zeta(\theta_2)\) on \(\zeta(\theta_1)\) (blue line and points in Figure 5) intersects \(\zeta(\theta_1)\) at

    _signedavgdelta(x, y)

Return a NamedTuple of `x` and `y` plus `m = norm((x,y), Inf)`, and `a` and `d`, the signed average and half-difference of `acos(x/m) / π` and `acos(y/m) / π`

The transformation in the other direction is `x = m * cospi(a + d)`, `y = m * cospi(a - d)`.

Because the cosine is an even function, if the signs of both `a` and `d` are flipped the resulting `x` and `y` are unchanged.
This relationship is used to ensure that `d` is non-negative.
function _signedavgdelta(x, y)
    m = max(abs(x), abs(y))  # Infinity norm of (x, y)
    acpix, acpiy = acos.((x, y) ./ m) ./ π
    d = (acpix - acpiy) / 2
    a = sign(d) * (acpix + acpiy) / 2
    return (; x, y, m, a, d = abs(d))
function pspline(adtbl::Table, lev)
    ord, per = BSplineOrder(4), Periodic(2)
    tbl = filter(r -> r.m == lev, adtbl)
    (; lev, tbl, perspl = interpolate(tbl.a, tbl.d, ord, per))
pspline (generic function with 1 method)
function adpspline(zetatbl::Table, xsym::Symbol, ysym::Symbol, levs::AbstractVector)
    ord, nat = BSplineOrder(4), Natural()
    tbl = filter(r -> r.p == xsym, zetatbl)
    spl1 = interpolate(getproperty(tbl, xsym), getproperty(tbl, ysym), ord, nat)
    tbl = filter(r -> r.p == ysym, zetatbl)
    spl2 = interpolate(getproperty(tbl, ysym), getproperty(tbl, xsym) , ord, nat)
    tbl = sort!(
        Table(_signedavgdelta.(vcat(levs, spl2.(levs)), vcat(spl1.(levs), levs)));
        by = getproperty(:a)
    return [pspline(tbl, l) for l in sort!(unique(tbl.m))]
adpspline (generic function with 1 method)
adspl = adpspline(slpr03zeta, :θ1, :θ2, filter(!iszero, -4:4));

Periodic interpolation splines, provided by BSplineKit.jl, are used to provide d as a function of a. Note that the period is 2 because we are using the cospi function for transformation back to the original scale, not cos.

    f = Figure()
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; xlabel="a", ylabel="d")
    avals = -1.0:inv(64):1.0
    for (; tbl, perspl) in adspl
        scatter!(ax, tbl.a, tbl.d)
        lines!(avals, perspl.(avals))

Figure 7: Periodic interolation of d versus a for contours at levels 1:4 of \(\theta_1\) and \(\theta_2\) from slm03.

These values are transformed to the scale of \(\zeta_1\) and \(\zeta_2\) as

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700,700))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; aspect=1.0, xlabel="ζ₁", ylabel="ζ₂")
    avals = -1.0:inv(64):1.0
    for (; lev, tbl, perspl) in adspl
        scatter!(ax, tbl.x, tbl.y)
        dvals = perspl.(avals)
            lev .* cospi.(avals .+ dvals),
            lev .* cospi.(avals .- dvals),

Figure 8: Interpolated contours at levels 1:4 of \(\theta_1\) and \(\theta_2\) from slm03 in the \(\zeta\) scale

and on the original scale of \(\theta_1\) and \(\theta_2\) as

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700,700))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; aspect=1.0, xlabel="θ₁", ylabel="θ₂")
    avals = -1.0:inv(64):1.0
    rev = slpr03.rev
    for (; lev, tbl, perspl) in adspl
        scatter!(ax, rev[:θ1].(tbl.x), rev[:θ2].(tbl.y))
        dvals = perspl.(avals)
            rev[:θ1].(lev .* cospi.(avals .+ dvals)),
            rev[:θ2].(lev .* cospi.(avals .- dvals)),

Figure 9: Interpolated contours at levels 1:4 of \(\theta_1\) and \(\theta_2\) from slm03.

Joint confidence regions

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700,700))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; aspect=1.0, xlabel="β₁", ylabel="β₂")
    avals = -1.0:inv(64):1.0
    r1, r2 = getindex.(Ref(slpr03.rev), (:β1, :β2))
    levs = sqrt.(quantile.(Chisq(2), [0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99]))
    for (; lev, tbl, perspl) in adpspline(slpr03zeta, :β1, :β2, vcat(-levs, levs))
        scatter!(ax, r1.(tbl.x), r2.(tbl.y))
        dvals = perspl.(avals)
            r1.(lev .* cospi.(avals .+ dvals)),
            r2.(lev .* cospi.(avals .- dvals)),

Figure 10: Profile likelihood contours of \(\beta_1\) and \(\beta_2\) from `slm03, corresponding to 50%, 80%, 90%, 95% and 99% profile-based joint confidence regsions.

Problematic cases

When a model is close to singularity, the forward spline for one of the \(\theta\) values can flatten out as that \(\theta\) approaches zero from the right.

For example, the second model for the pastes data incorporates random effects for batch and for cask within batch, but the batch random effect is not significant.

pspr01 = profile(first(models(:pastes)))
Est. SE z p σ_batch & cask
(Intercept) 60.0533 0.5765 104.16 <1e-99 3.1037
Residual 0.8234
pspr02 = profile(last(models(:pastes)))
Est. SE z p σ_batch & cask σ_batch
(Intercept) 60.0533 0.6421 93.52 <1e-99 2.9041 1.0951
Residual 0.8234
MixedModels.likelihoodratiotest(pspr01.m, pspr02.m)
model-dof deviance χ² χ²-dof P(>χ²)
strength ~ 1 + (1 | batch & cask) 3 248
strength ~ 1 + (1 | batch) + (1 | batch & cask) 4 248 0 1 0.5234

The forward profile spline for \(\theta_2\) in the second model is well-defined

    f = Figure(; resolution=(700,600))
    ax = Axis(f[1,1]; xlabel = "θ₁", ylabel="ζ")
    (; spl, xv, yv, slope, intercept) = fwdspline(pspr02, :θ2)
    lines!(ax, first(xv) .. last(xv), identity  spl;)
    scatter!(ax, xv, yv)
    ablines!(ax, intercept, slope)

Figure 11: Forward interpolation spline of \(\theta_2\rightarrow\zeta\) in model psm02

and the slope at the boundary is nearly zero

(Derivative(1) * pspr02.fwd[:θ2])(0.0)

resulting in an ill-defined reverse interpolation spline

tbl = Table(filter(x -> x.p == :θ2, pspr02.tbl))
Table with 8 columns and 15 rows:
      p   ζ           β1       σ         σ1       σ2         θ1       θ2
 1  │ θ2  -0.638149   60.0533  0.823408  3.10368  0.0        3.76931  0.0
 2  │ θ2  -0.638043   60.0533  0.823409  3.10363  0.0136914  3.76925  0.0166276
 3  │ θ2  -0.442487   60.0533  0.825761  3.0276   0.591832   3.66644  0.716711
 4  │ θ2  -0.0268488  60.0533  0.823817  2.90981  1.06987    3.5321   1.29867
 5  │ θ2  0.0         60.0533  0.823409  2.90407  1.09507    3.52689  1.32992
 6  │ θ2  0.530837    60.0533  0.810786  2.82691  1.54908    3.48663  1.91059
 7  │ θ2  1.02237     60.0533  0.795307  2.79849  1.95449    3.51875  2.45752
 8  │ θ2  1.47204     60.0533  0.780864  2.79346  2.35343    3.5774   3.01388
 9  │ θ2  1.90642     60.0533  0.767823  2.79997  2.78912    3.64663  3.63251
 10 │ θ2  2.33148     60.0533  0.756418  2.81268  3.28633    3.71842  4.34459
 11 │ θ2  2.74957     60.0533  0.746698  2.82835  3.86955    3.78781  5.18221
 12 │ θ2  3.16174     60.0533  0.738617  2.84477  4.56757    3.85148  6.18394
 13 │ θ2  3.56855     60.0533  0.732059  2.86043  5.41661    3.90738  7.39914
 14 │ θ2  3.97036     60.0533  0.72687   2.87438  6.46382    3.95446  8.89268
 15 │ θ2  4.36742     60.0533  0.72287   2.88612  7.77173    3.99258  10.7512
    r = pspr02.rev[:θ2]
    f, ax, g = lines(first(r.x) .. last(r.x), identity  r)
    scatter!(ax, tbl.ζ, tbl.θ2)

Figure 12: Reverse interpolation spline from \(\zeta\) to \(\theta_2\) for model psm02

A couple of approaches that could help to alleviate this problem is to add more profile evaluations between 0 and the estimate when creating the profile. It may also be the case that the evaluation close to the estimate, which is used to determine an initial step size, may be causing instability in the derivative evaluation.

The Penicillin example

plpr01 = profile(only(models(:penicillin)))
94-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:p, :ζ, :β1, :σ, :σ1, :σ2, :θ1, :θ2), Tuple{Symbol, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64, Float64}}}:
 (p = :σ, ζ = -4.409436764461413, β1 = 22.97222222222335, σ = 0.42186662684447723, σ1 = 0.8577590355512449, σ2 = 1.77237459062339, θ1 = 2.0332469576159697, θ2 = 4.201267599384634)
 (p = :σ, ζ = -3.8122667004468247, β1 = 22.972222222215574, σ = 0.43608083984877916, σ1 = 0.8565660638912731, σ2 = 1.7721624758578842, θ1 = 1.9642368699076682, θ2 = 4.063839347934712)
 (p = :σ, ζ = -3.2291223728137366, β1 = 22.972222222226875, σ = 0.45077398111731215, σ1 = 0.8552976198944537, σ2 = 1.7719864746007423, θ1 = 1.8973979327166755, θ2 = 3.9309865893515044)
 (p = :σ, ζ = -2.6595410938429853, β1 = 22.972222222227444, σ = 0.4659621874760975, σ1 = 0.853933939906699, σ2 = 1.7717817024898954, θ1 = 1.8326249701334472, θ2 = 3.8024151961488992)
 (p = :σ, ζ = -2.1030761545422414, β1 = 22.972222222225916, σ = 0.4816621394592095, σ1 = 0.8524857639202464, σ2 = 1.7715987463817133, θ1 = 1.7698832731121081, θ2 = 3.6780942516486594)
 (p = :σ, ζ = -1.5592962931478127, β1 = 22.97222222222242, σ = 0.4978910796282666, σ1 = 0.8509296935665445, σ2 = 1.7713831955495627, θ1 = 1.7090679636234136, θ2 = 3.5577725089433327)
 (p = :σ, ζ = -1.027785171196582, β1 = 22.972222222221575, σ = 0.5146668315091734, σ1 = 0.8492644637926592, σ2 = 1.7711503294812851, θ1 = 1.6501247249649544, θ2 = 3.441353164896379)
 (p = :σ, ζ = -0.5081408734634761, β1 = 22.972222222225255, σ = 0.5320078191669088, σ1 = 0.847481381243915, σ2 = 1.7709084778434445, θ1 = 1.5929867019079125, θ2 = 3.3287264097294234)
 (p = :σ, ζ = 0.0, β1 = 22.97222222222414, σ = 0.5499330874398607, σ1 = 0.8455646003012482, σ2 = 1.7706476279724732, θ1 = 1.5375772427835905, θ2 = 3.21975103592236)
 (p = :σ, ζ = 0.497085679207144, β1 = 22.972222222224566, σ = 0.568462322855928, σ1 = 0.8435266850567367, σ2 = 1.7703676419470067, θ1 = 1.4838743943818444, θ2 = 3.114309551867506)
 (p = :σ, ζ = 0.9834039592503204, β1 = 22.972222222225025, σ = 0.5876158752533619, σ1 = 0.841337233952612, σ2 = 1.770066878565751, θ1 = 1.4317809803723447, θ2 = 3.0122856667249716)
 (p = :σ, ζ = 1.4593283388855995, β1 = 22.97222222222312, σ = 0.6074147801300914, σ1 = 0.8389886183327319, σ2 = 1.7697493951233336, θ1 = 1.3812449841161978, θ2 = 2.913576443998123)
 (p = :σ, ζ = 1.925195613372533, β1 = 22.97222222222166, σ = 0.6278807817460791, σ1 = 0.8364736543647948, σ2 = 1.769404271127693, θ1 = 1.3322173232291614, θ2 = 2.8180576991178823)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 2.6122187252401927, β1 = 25.578308134675282, σ = 0.5499136133694412, σ1 = 0.8479076128874624, σ2 = 3.111765609025609, θ1 = 1.5418923850459831, θ2 = 5.658644436821884)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 2.823314293901043, β1 = 25.950606122168303, σ = 0.5499143170415058, σ1 = 0.8478050746545447, σ2 = 3.4266980058370633, θ1 = 1.541703949836525, θ2 = 6.231330772169052)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.008796015543271, β1 = 26.322904109661323, σ = 0.5499137469122637, σ1 = 0.8476856650806067, σ2 = 3.753038890477586, θ1 = 1.5414884058460376, θ2 = 6.824777361087441)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.1731836953678325, β1 = 26.695202097154343, σ = 0.5499154531957359, σ1 = 0.8475836791495158, σ2 = 4.087191947236251, θ1 = 1.5412981654251285, θ2 = 7.432400605373538)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.3200904635453474, β1 = 27.067500084647364, σ = 0.5499173421259741, σ1 = 0.8474879071704999, σ2 = 4.427678059467045, θ1 = 1.541118714121874, θ2 = 8.051533785695305)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.45239121336855, β1 = 27.439798072140384, σ = 0.5499174639161658, σ1 = 0.8474005910023276, σ2 = 4.77339411595523, θ1 = 1.540959592313498, θ2 = 8.680200992276411)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.5723792199782087, β1 = 27.812096059633404, σ = 0.5499183120777058, σ1 = 0.8473220316246163, σ2 = 5.122910642863003, θ1 = 1.540814359178652, θ2 = 9.315766597238015)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.6818950555228147, β1 = 28.184394047126425, σ = 0.5499188018750272, σ1 = 0.8472575693572051, σ2 = 5.475498417107875, θ1 = 1.540695765390015, θ2 = 9.956921637227854)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.7824276364636193, β1 = 28.556692034619445, σ = 0.5499191383421091, σ1 = 0.8472015678517534, σ2 = 5.830632914876754, θ1 = 1.540592986826915, θ2 = 10.602709577366028)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.8751917849431017, β1 = 28.928990022112465, σ = 0.5499198776533112, σ1 = 0.8471482753889462, σ2 = 6.187868460127933, θ1 = 1.5404940061523258, θ2 = 11.252309130074732)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 3.9611873534355353, β1 = 29.301288009605486, σ = 0.5499198553797101, σ1 = 0.8471077755814899, σ2 = 6.546820649595604, θ1 = 1.540420421802331, θ2 = 11.905045045291443)
 (p = :β1, ζ = 4.041244307435995, β1 = 29.673585997098506, σ = 0.5499202318025559, σ1 = 0.8470700506028241, σ2 = 6.907194360336087, θ1 = 1.5403507665580074, θ2 = 12.560356867932175)
    fig = Figure(; resolution=(700,600))
    ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel="θ₁", ylabel="ζ")
    (; spl, xv, yv, slope, intercept) = fwdspline(plpr01, :θ1)
    lines!(ax, first(xv) .. last(xv), identity  spl)
    scatterlines!(ax, xv, yv)
    ablines!(ax, intercept, slope)

Figure 13: Forward spline for parameter \(\theta_1\) in the profile of plm01

    fig = Figure(; resolution=(700,600))
    ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel="θ₂", ylabel="ζ")
    (; spl, xv, yv, slope, intercept) = fwdspline(plpr01, :θ2)
    lines!(ax, first(xv) .. last(xv), identity  spl)
    scatterlines!(ax, xv, yv)
    ablines!(ax, intercept, slope)

Figure 14: Forward spline for parameter \(\theta_2\) in the profile of plm01